Lead Data Scientist and Assistant Research Professor (CSSR)
623 Flanner Hall
574.631.1168 | cliu7@nd.edu
Dr. Cheng Liu is an Assistant Research Professor at the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society, where he also serves as the lead Data Scientist for the Center for Social Science Research. Prior to joining the institute, Dr. Liu worked as a Computational Scientist at the Center for Research Computing for several years. Dr. Liu has earned Ph.Ds. in both Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Statistics from the University of Notre Dame. He specializes in statistical modeling and computational infrastructure development. Dr. Liu has extensive experience collaborating with researchers in diverse fields, including computer science, psychology, biology, statistics, and education, etc. Dr. Liu’s research interests include statistical modeling, machine learning, data science, educational and psychological measurement, and research software and platform development. He provides statistical consultation and software development services, and actively engages in collaborative grant applications with researchers.