Scoring Rubric: The Health Equity Data Science Challenge

Scoring Rubric:

Projects will be scored on the following categories from 0-10 by each judge. Each category will receive a final score by averaging each judge’s score. Then a final weighted average will be obtained for the final score by averaging each category’s score (weightings listed in table).

10%Question Design and Dataset Utilization– Is the question related to health equity?
– Is the question interesting and/or novel?
– Are at least two datasets used?
35%Methodology and Result Generation– Are the methods used appropriate to the question asked?
– Are the results accurate? Are there logical errors?
– Do the figures accurately represent the analyzed data?
25%Discussion of Results and Conclusions– Are results evaluated in the context of the question?
– Are the figures used to discuss the data and address the question?
– Are conclusions appropriately drawn based on the analysis?
– What additional datasets would you have used if they had been available?
10%Evaluation of Error, Bias, and Statistics– Is there an evaluation of bias and error?
– Was some statistical method used to evaluate precision, uncertainty, etc.?
10%Presentation Organization and Quality– Was the presentation easy to follow and organized in a manner that made sense?
– Was the presentation professional, and scientific, and did it contain all the required sections?
– Was the Presentation 10-15 minutes?
10%Code Organization and Quality– Was the code available, organized and well annotated/commented?
– Does the code reflect what was discussed in the presentation and writeup?