Request for Nominations: The 2024 Societal Impact Awards

The Lucy Societal Impact Awards

The Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society seeks nominations for our annual Lucy Societal Impact Awards (“The Lucies“) to recognize individuals or teams whose work exemplifies the Institute’s vision to inspire collaborative, equitable, and impactful data innovations as a global force for good.

We will award up to three individuals or teams who have worked to advance data-driven convergence research, translational solutions, and/or education to ethically address society’s wicked problems.

Work should include significant contributions within the civic, industry, academic, or research arena with impact at either the regional (South Bend/Elkhart) or global (United States and beyond) level.

The Institute will work with teams that are selected as finalists to create a project video summary that will be shown at the Lucy Annual Celebration in October 2024.


We welcome nominations for project teams that are composed of both Notre Dame and external candidates, but the work must be led or co-led by a Notre Dame faculty or staff member. The team may include students or postdoctoral scholars.

External awardees may include any individual or representative within industry, community, NGO, civic, or other project collaborators. This includes but is not limited to, faculty or staff from another academic/research institution.

Nomination Components

Responses to each question are limited to 150 words or fewer.

  1. Name of the project’s lead organization or researcher, additional partners, submitter name, and contact information.
  2. What problem did this team seek to address?
  3. How did the team approach this problem or challenge?
  4. What has been the impact of this project so far? What do you expect to be the long-term impact of this project? 
  5. How did this work exemplify the mission of the Lucy Family Institute?

Submission & Deadline

Deadline: Aug 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.


Please direct any questions to the 2024 Lucy Annual Celebration Chair, Dr. Matthew Sisk (