In 2020, 53 interns worked virtually on 15 community-engaged projects, focusing on healthy food access, affordable housing, and Wi-Fi for low-income residents. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our interns continued to make a significant impact on the community.
Elkhart Project Recap
The CIL Internship Program launched a pilot of our community-engaged educational ecosystem model in Elkhart County in 2018 as a part-time initiative. For 2020, the program in Elkhart evolved into a full-time, 7-week program, addressing six distinct projects.

Advanced Manufacturing
To address the issue of safe and affordable housing, CCI and the Commodore Homes Corporation partnered to increase the efficiency in the local production process of modular homes in the company’s Goshen factory.

Elkhart County Food Data
The Civic Innovation Lab and the Elkhart County Food Council compiled and verified food asset locations via Google Maps in Elkhart County as part of a long-term effort to strategically connect the local food system.

Elkhart River Dam Sign
CCI and the Department of Public Works and Utilities designed a bilingual
and informational sign incorporating the history of the low-head dam, now removed, and the benefits of its removal.

Internet in South Central
CIL and the Elkhart Community Schools (ECS) Department of Information Technology Service (ITS) partnered to investigate the potential to deliver a free or reduced-price rate home Wi-Fi service to low-income ECS students in South Central Elkhart

Recycling Analysis
CCI, the Elkhart Environmental Center, the City of Elkhart, and Borden Waste Away partnered to build an informative bilingual website to educate Elkhart residents on proper recycling and waste disposal practices.

Tolson Center Rain Garden
CCI and the City of Elkhart’s Department of Public Works and Utilities designed a garden and interpretive signage for the current retention pond area at the Tolson Center to beautify the site and improve drainage with native plants.