
Lucy Affiliates are faculty and staff who collaborate on Institute research projects and initiatives and/or play a key role in designing Institute programming. Individuals interested in becoming an affiliate may self-nominate or be nominated by a current affiliate and will then be appointed by the Director.

Ahmed Abbasi

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Ahmed Abbasi

Yenupini Joyce Adams

Assistant Professor of the Practice, Global Maternal Research Lead

Yenupini Joyce Adams

Omar Al Jamal

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Omar Al Jamal

Alex Ambrose

Notre Dame Learning

Alex Ambrose

Brooke Ammerman


Brooke Ammerman

Corey Angst

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Corey Angst

Karla Badillo-Urquiola

Computer Science and Engineering

Karla Badillo-Urquiola

John Behrens

Technology and Digital Studies

John Behrens

Heidi Beidinger-Burnett

Eck Institute for Global Health

Heidi Beidinger-Burnett

Nicholas Berente

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Nicholas Berente

Cindy Bergeman


Cindy Bergeman

Ashlee Bird

American Studies

Ashlee Bird

Diogo Bolster

Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Diogo Bolster

Marian Botchway

Eck Institute for Global Health

Marian Botchway

Mark Bourgeois

Technology Ethics Center

Mark Bourgeois

Jessica Brookshire

Office of Clinical Partnerships

Jessica Brookshire

Jennifer Burke Lefever

Shaw Center for Children and Families

Jennifer Burke Lefever

Liang Cai


Liang Cai

Clinton Carlson

Art, Art History, and Design

Clinton Carlson

Stefano Castruccio

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Stefano Castruccio

Mike Chapple

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Mike Chapple

Danny Chen

Computer Science and Engineering

Danny Chen

Yixing Chen

Mendoza College of Business

Yixing Chen

David Chiang


David Chiang

Jane Cleland-Huang

Computer Science and Engineering

Jane Cleland-Huang

Ann-Marie Conrado

Department of Art, Art History, and Design

Ann-Marie Conrado

Michael Coppedge

Political Science

Michael Coppedge

Abby Córdova

Keough School of Global Affairs

Abby Córdova

Paola Crippa

Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Paola Crippa

Adam Czajka

Computer Science and Engineering

Adam Czajka

Julie Dallavis

Institute for Educational Initiatives (IEI)

Julie Dallavis

Meenal Datta

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Meenal Datta

Joanna Cecilia da Silva Santos

Computer Science and Engineering

Joanna Cecilia da Silva Santos

Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal


Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal

Marie Donahue

Eck Institute for Global Health

Marie Donahue

Alexander Dowling


Alexander Dowling

Nikhit D’Sa

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Nikhit D’Sa

Robert Easley

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Robert Easley

Josefina Echavarria

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Josefina Echavarria

Michael Ferdig

Biological Sciences

Michael Ferdig

Patrick Flynn

Computer Science and Engineering

Patrick Flynn

Mark Fox

IU School of Medicine-South Bend

Mark Fox

Claudia Francis

Political Science

Claudia Francis

Guosheng Fu

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Guosheng Fu

Thomas Fuja

Electrical Engineering

Thomas Fuja

Lee Gettler


Lee Gettler

Monisha Ghosh

Electrical Engineering

Monisha Ghosh

Chloe Gibbs


Chloe Gibbs

Diego Gómez-Zará

Computer Science and Engineering

Diego Gómez-Zará

Holly Goodson

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Holly Goodson

Daniel Graff

Center for Social Concerns, History

Daniel Graff

Vijay Gupta

Electrical Engineering

Vijay Gupta

David Hachen


David Hachen

Matthew Hall

Political Science

Matthew Hall

Yuefeng Han

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Yuefeng Han

Jeffrey Harden

Political Science

Jeffrey Harden

Jonathan Hauenstein

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Jonathan Hauenstein

Michael Hildreth


Michael Hildreth

Mengxue Hou

Electrical Engineering

Mengxue Hou

Don Howard


Don Howard

Sonia Howell

Notre Dame Learning

Sonia Howell

Ming Hu


Ming Hu

Marc Jacob

Keough School of Global Affairs

Marc Jacob

Ross Jacobucci


Ross Jacobucci

Zhenge Jia

Computer Science and Engineering

Zhenge Jia

Meng Jiang

Computer Science and Engineering

Meng Jiang

Siddharth Joshi

Computer Science and Engineering

Siddharth Joshi

Madhav Joshi

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Keough School for Global Affairs

Madhav Joshi

Taeho Jung

Computer Science and Engineering

Taeho Jung

Vamsi Kanuri

Mendoza College of Business

Vamsi Kanuri

Ahsan Kareem


Ahsan Kareem

Matthew Kilbane


Matthew Kilbane

Peter Kogge

Computer Science and Engineering

Peter Kogge

Monica Kowalski

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Monica Kowalski

Santosh Kumar

Keough School of Global Affairs

Santosh Kumar

John Lalor

IT, Analytics, and Operations

John Lalor

Robert Landers

Mechanical Engineering

Robert Landers

Kevin Lannon


Kevin Lannon

Daniel Lapsley


Daniel Lapsley

Kristian Lax-Walker

Center for Health Sciences Advising, College of Science

Kristian Lax-Walker

Eric Lease Morgan

Hesburgh Libraries

Eric Lease Morgan

Yong Suk Lee

Keough School of Global Affairs

Yong Suk Lee

Michael Lemmon

Electrical Engineering

Michael Lemmon

Megan Levis

Center for Social Concerns, College of Engineering

Megan Levis

Keyan Li

Mendoza College of Business

Keyan Li

Toby Jia-Jun Li

Computer Science and Engineering

Toby Jia-Jun Li

Jun Li

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Jun Li

Marya Lieberman

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Marya Lieberman

Fang Liu

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Fang Liu

Tengfei Luo

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Tengfei Luo

Richard Marcantonio

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Richard Marcantonio

Ryan McClarren

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Ryan McClarren

Erin McDonnell


Erin McDonnell

Wade McGillis

Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Wade McGillis

Nicole McNeil


Nicole McNeil

Sisi Meng

Keough School of Global Affairs

Sisi Meng

Ronald Metoyer

Computer Science and Engineering

Ronald Metoyer

Tijana Milenkovic

Computer Science and Engineering

Tijana Milenkovic

Daniel Miller

Keough School of Global Affairs

Daniel Miller

Brittany Morgan

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Brittany Morgan

Michael Morris

McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business

Michael Morris

Luis Felipe R. Murillo


Luis Felipe R. Murillo

Sarah Mustillo

College of Arts and Letters

Sarah Mustillo

Thomas Mustillo

Keough School of Global Affairs

Thomas Mustillo

Jarek Nabrzyski

Computer Science and Engineering

Jarek Nabrzyski

Rob Nerenberg


Rob Nerenberg

Sharif Nijim

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Sharif Nijim

Frederick Nwanganga

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Frederick Nwanganga

Teresa Ober


Teresa Ober

Rahul Oka


Rahul Oka

John Onyango


John Onyango

Thomas O’Sullivan

Electrical Engineering

Thomas O’Sullivan

Graham Peaslee


Graham Peaslee

Jill Pentimonti

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Jill Pentimonti

Aníbal Pérez-Liñán

Political Science

Aníbal Pérez-Liñán

Alex Perkins

Biological Sciences

Alex Perkins

Paul Perrin

Keough School of Global Affairs

Paul Perrin

Dakota Peterson

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Dakota Peterson

Margaret Pfeil


Margaret Pfeil

Michael Pfrender

Biological Sciences

Michael Pfrender

Emilia Powell

Political Science, The Law School

Emilia Powell

Stephen Ponisciak

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Stephen Ponisciak

Rachel Porter

Political Science

Rachel Porter

David Rimes

Office of Academic Mission Support

David Rimes

María Estela Rivero Fuentes

Pulte Institute for Global Development

María Estela Rivero Fuentes

Jason Rohr

Biological Sciences

Jason Rohr

Robert Rosenbaum

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Robert Rosenbaum

Brett Savoie


Brett Savoie

Walter Scheirer

Computer Science and Engineering

Walter Scheirer

Santiago Schnell

Biological Sciences

Santiago Schnell

Tiziana Serafini

Romance Languages and Literatures

Tiziana Serafini

Yiyu Shi

Computer Science and Engineering

Yiyu Shi

Daniel Slate

The Law School

Daniel Slate

Vania Smith-Oka


Vania Smith-Oka

Sriram Somanchi

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Sriram Somanchi

Yoonseock Son

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Yoonseock Son

Thomas Stapleford

Program of Liberal Studies

Thomas Stapleford

Meghan Sullivan


Meghan Sullivan

Christopher Sweet

Center for Research Computing

Christopher Sweet

Daniel Tadmon


Daniel Tadmon

Tiffany Tang

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Tiffany Tang

Harold Toro Tulla

Keough School of Global Affairs

Harold Toro Tulla

Zoltan Toroczkai


Zoltan Toroczkai

Margaret Traeger

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Margaret Traeger

Christine Trinter

Alliance for Catholic Education

Christine Trinter

Neeta Verma

Art, Art History, and Design

Neeta Verma

Michael Villano


Michael Villano

Giuseppe Vinci

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Giuseppe Vinci

Derviş Can Vural


Derviş Can Vural

Joseph Waddington

Institute for Educational Initiatives

Joseph Waddington

Katherine Walden

American Studies

Katherine Walden

Chaoli Wang

Computer Science and Engineering

Chaoli Wang

Jian-Xun Wang

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Jian-Xun Wang

Dong Wang

Computer Science and Engineering

Dong Wang

Tim Weninger

Computer Science and Engineering

Tim Weninger

Olaf Wiest

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Olaf Wiest

Paul Winters

Keough School of Global Affairs

Paul Winters

Jim Wittendorf

iNDustry Labs

Jim Wittendorf

Elizabeth Wood

Eck Institute for Global Health

Elizabeth Wood

Danielle Wood

Civic Innovation

Danielle Wood

Roger Woodard

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Roger Woodard

Victoria Woodard

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Victoria Woodard

Kaitlin Wowak

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Kaitlin Wowak

Yang Yang

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Yang Yang

Joonhyuk Yang

Mendoza College of Business

Joonhyuk Yang

Fanny Ye

Computer Science and Engineering

Fanny Ye

Xiufan Yu

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Xiufan Yu

Johnny Zhang


Johnny Zhang

Xiangliang Zhang

Computer Science and Engineering

Xiangliang Zhang

Zifeng Zhao

IT, Analytics, and Operations

Zifeng Zhao

Zhi Zheng

Electrical Engineering

Zhi Zheng

Changbo Zhu

Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Changbo Zhu

Ying (Alison) Cheng


Ying (Alison) Cheng