GIS Day 2024: Call for Lightning Talk Proposals

GIS Day at Notre Dame is a symposium on November 20 that combines workshops, presentations, and more to demonstrate the power of geospatial technologies.

The GIS Day planning team invites proposals for short presentations (either podium or poster) for this annual event. Share how GIS contributes to your real-world research and projects that make a difference in our community and around the world.

Presentations should be related to GIS in some way (tools, data, or visualization), but do not need to be directly methodological and are otherwise not limited by field. Podium presentations will be 5-10 minute lightning talks (length will depend upon the number of presentations). Work-in-progress presentations and posters will be accepted to help researchers receive methodological feedback.

If you’re interested in presenting a lightning talk, please submit a brief abstract with a title and all author affiliation(s) to by November 1, 2024.

Open toUndergraduates, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Faculty, Staff