Lucy Training Workshop: Introduction to Social Network Analysis

Presenter: Valya Kuskova 

This workshop is about networks. It will introduce participants to the foundations of theory and methods of social network analysis (SNA), and demonstrate how networks are used to explain and predict phenomena in a wide range of other applied disciplines. Specifically, we will focus on special tools for studying relationships and connections between people, groups, organizations, and countries in our increasingly connected world. For example, we may use SNA to study the role networks play in job searches and business relations, in diffusing knowledge through webs of doctors, in providing support in time of need, in giving rise to biotech industry, or in supporting criminal activities. SNA is an effective way to examine cliques of friends in high schools, power networks of the business elites, as well as the intricate patterns of international trade.

This workshop assumes no prior knowledge of networks. The purpose of this workshop, therefore, is to provide participants with an understanding of the basic principles of network analysis and lay the foundation for future learning in the area. Basic working knowledge of R is required.

This workshop will be offered in-person in 246 Hesburgh Library. 

This workshop requires a minimum of 10 registrants.  Fewer than 10 registrants by the registration deadline will result in the workshop being cancelled. In the event of cancellation, registrants will be notified. 

Please register here by February 6.