Internship Program Assistant Manager, CIL
1045 W. Washington St.
South Bend, IN 46601
574.631.3875 | fteague1@nd.edu
Fred Teague, Civic Innovation Lab (CIL) assistant intern program manager, is a lifelong resident of South Bend Indiana. At the age of forty-seven, Fred received his Associate of Applied Sciences in Business Administration, graduating cum laude from Ivy Tech Community College. He is a member of the Kappa Beta Delta International Business Honor Society, and a Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society member. After receiving his associates, Fred went on to pursue a certification in Executive Management from Notre Dame and a Project Management Certification from Louisiana State University.
Prior to coming to Notre Dame, Fred helped to design a digital learning platform called Bendable. After the launch of Bendable, Fred served as the Lifelong Learning Manager for Bendable South Bend and helped with the implementation of Bendable throughout the state of Maine. The first of its kind in the United States, Bendable is now available in several counties throughout the country. Powerful and persuasive, Fred is consistently sought out for his wealth of information, and his ability to inspire and engage people from all levels of society.