AITAR Lab Invited Speaker, Richard Guest: “Facial Biometrics – A Short History and Current Research Issues”

Join the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society’s AI Trust & Reliability (AITAR) Lab for a fascinating talk by internationally-recognized biometric and AI expert, Richard Guest, professor of Biometric Technologies at the University of Southampton.

Following the presentation, you are invited to a reception from 4:30pm-5:00pm that will be held directly outside of Carey Auditorium.


The use of human facial images for automated biometric verification and identification purposes has been an active area for research and development for over 50 years. Deployment of systems is now widespread, with everyday applications including mobile device and border control access and surveillance. Recent deep-learning solutions have enhanced accuracy, however in doing so have raised further questions about how we develop and use these technologies.

This talk will review the history of facial biometric systems and outline a range of technical and implementation issues for their current deployment. In particular, we shall explore how deep-learning facial technologies require us to question how, when and why we choose to deploy systems. We shall also look to future growth areas for facial biometric use.

Invited Speaker Bio:

Richard Guest is Professor of Biometric Technologies in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK. 

He has an internationally recognised and sustained research record in applied artificial intelligence, biometric systems, security, image processing and feature pattern recognition, securing over £7M of external funding over the past 20 years. He is an appointed member of the UK Home Office Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group advising the Government on the use of biometric technologies. He has had active involvement with ISO/IEC standardisation processes in the area of biometric data interchange, used in worldwide deployments.

Before joining Southampton, he held numerous senior leadership posts at the University of Kent including Deputy Divisional Director and Head of the School of Engineering. He has significant research leadership as Principal Investigator of several large national and international projects including EU Marie Słodowska-Curie ITNs and UKRI projects.